Sunday, October 16, 2016

Syria: Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) captures Dabiq, Syrian town of symbolic importance to ISIS

Free Syrian Army forces captured Dabiq from ISIS in northern rural Aleppo. Photo: FSA

The Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) said its forces captured Dabiq on Sunday, a town with great symbolic importance to ISIS in Syria’s north.

“Free Syrian Army forces have taken control of the strategic town of Dabiq in the northern Aleppo countryside after violent clashes with Daesh (ISIS),” the FSA said in a tweet.

It added that clashes are ongoing in Dabiq, which is a theological heartland for ISIS. According to one reading of ISIS doctrine, the final battle between good and evil — Muslims and infidels — will take place here.

Turkey’s official Anadolu Agency also confirmed that FSA had captured Dabiq and the nearby town of Soran from ISIS.

“According to FSA sources, both towns have been cleared from Daesh terrorists,” Anadolu said.

The News: … eeast/syria/16102016



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