Friday, April 20, 2018

Palestine: Israeli soldiers kill 4 Palestinians and wound 700 at Gaza rally


Israeli forces have shot dead four Palestinians, including a 15-year-old boy, as more than 10,000 gathered in a mass demonstration in the besieged Gaza Strip demanding the right of return for Palestinian refugees.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said on Friday that at least 729 people protesting near the border with Israel were wounded by Israeli gunfire, needed treatment for tear gas inhalation or suffered other injuries.

Palestinian officials identified those killed as Mohammed Ibrahim Ayyoub, 15, Ahmed Rashad, 24, Ahmed Abu Aqil, 25 and Saad Abdul Majid Abdul-Aal Abu Taha, 29.

Friday’s demonstration was the fourth in as many weeks of a planned, weeks-long sit-in dubbed the Great March of Return.

The News:
https://www.aljazeer … 180420193005160.html



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