Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Yemen: Saudi-led coalition rejects Southern Transitional Council (STC) south Yemen self-rule declaration


A Saudi Arabia-led military coalition has rejected a separatist group’s declaration of self-rule in Yemen’s south, demanding “an end to escalatory actions” and return to a peace deal signed in November last year.

The Saudi statement on Monday comes a day after Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council (STC) declared a state of emergency and announced “self-administration rule” in regions under their control, including in the port city of Aden.

The key city serves as the interim capital of the internationally recognised and Saudi-backed government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

The STC and Hadi’s forces are supposed allies in Yemen’s complicated conflict and both have fought together in the Saudi-led coalition’s war against the Houthi rebels, who overran parts of northern Yemen in 2014, including the capital, Sanaa.

The News:
https://www.aljazeer … 200427043713616.html



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