Sunday, September 1, 2024

Turkey: Turkish forces neutralize 17 PKK/YPG terrorists in Northern Iraq and Syria


Turkish security forces have “neutralized” 17 PKK/YPG terrorists in recent operations in northern Iraq and northern Syria, as reported by Anadolu Agency, citing the Turkish National Defense Ministry.

According to the ministry, 15 of the terrorists were targeted in the Gara and Metina regions, as well as in the Claw-Lock operation zone of northern Iraq. The remaining two terrorists were neutralized in Manbij, northern Syria.

The ministry reiterated that Turkish forces will persist in their operations against terrorist groups, stating, “The breath of Turkish soldiers will continue to be on the necks of the terrorists wherever they may be.”

The term “neutralize” is used by Turkish authorities to indicate that the terrorists were either killed, captured, or surrendered.

The News:
https://www.azernews … z/region/230638.html



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