Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Burma-Myanmar: Arakan Army (AA) rescues 26,000 civilians used as human shields by junta military forces


The Arakan Army (AA) has announced a “significant achievement” in its ongoing conflict with Myanmar’s junta forces, claiming to have rescued nearly 26,000 civilians who had been held as human shields by the military and its affiliated armed groups.

This rescue operation was conducted during fierce battles for control of Maungdaw Township which started since 4 August, where the AA continues to face resistance from entrenched junta forces.

According to the AA, the civilians were liberated during intense clashes as the AA launched a major offensive to take control of Maungdaw Township. Despite heavy fighting, the junta forces remain entrenched in the area, putting up stiff resistance against the AA’s advance.

The AA also disclosed that their battles are not limited to junta forces alone but include confrontations with the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA), Rohingya Solidarity Organization (RSO), and Arakan Rohingya Army (ARA)—all of which are reportedly trained and armed by the Military Council.

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