Saturday, April 16, 2022

Pakistan: Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) rebels have attacked Pakistan intelligence offices in Kharan city


Baloch rebels have intensified their attacks on Pakistani military agencies. Latest reports in local Pakistani media say that the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) fired rockets at the offices of Military intelligence (MI) and Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) on Tuesday evening in Kharan city, Balochistan.

BLA spokesperson, Azad Baloch, said that fighters also targeted Frontier Corps (FC) check posts.

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Friday, April 1, 2022

Indonesia: 3 killed in two attacks by West Papua Liberation Army (WPLA) fighters


A government soldier, his wife and an independence fighter were killed in two separate attacks in Indonesia’s restive Papua province, security officers and a rebel spokesperson said Thursday.

Clashes have escalated in eastern Indonesia’s Papua province since last year, when rebels set fire to several schools and killed two teachers in a village in Puncak district.

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Thursday, March 31, 2022

Burma-Myanmar: Military junta convoy under repeated attack in Chin State


Myanmar’s junta has suffered heavy casualties in Mindat Township, Chin State, since March 26, according to the Chinland Defense Force (CDF).

CDF fighters have repeatedly ambushed a junta convoy advancing to Matupi through Mindat since March 26. Around 20 junta soldiers are believed to have been killed and many more injured in ambushes, according to Salai Ha Eun Man, a CDF spokesman.

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Monday, March 28, 2022

Nagorno-Karabakh: Russia accuses Azerbaijan of breaking ceasefire in conflict with Armenia


Moscow on Saturday accused Azerbaijan of violating a ceasefire agreement by entering the Russian peacekeeping mission’s zone in the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh, the first time Russia publicly assigned the blame for violating the 2020 deal made after Azerbaijan’s war with Armenia.

The Russian defense ministry also accused Azerbaijani troops of using Turkish-made drones to strike Karabakh troops, while the foreign ministry in Moscow expressed “extreme concern” over the spiraling tensions in the region.

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Sunday, March 20, 2022

Philippines: 75 communist rebels and local terrorists surrendered to the military


In just 24 hours, a total of 75 alleged communist rebels and local terrorists surrendered to the military in Mindanao, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) disclosed Saturday, March 19.

Col. Jorry Baclor, chief of the AFP public affairs office, said the surrender of the rebels and terrorists indicate their “dwindling strength” as the military continues its relentless operations to curb insurgency and terrorism before President Duterte steps down as the Commander-in-Chief in June.

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