Thursday, December 2, 2021

Iran: Iranian soldiers and Taliban forces clash in border area


Clashes erupted between Iranian soldiers and Taliban forces near the Afghanistan-Iran border, but appear to have led to no casualties and was later described as a “misunderstanding”.

Multiple videos on Wednesday showed Taliban troops mobilising. Gunfire can be heard while one shows Iranian forces firing artillery shells in response to Taliban fire.

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Saturday, November 20, 2021

Armenia: Armenia says 6 of its soldiers killed in latest clashes with Azerbaijan


Azerbaijan has said seven of its soldiers were killed and 10 others wounded in the November 16 fighting, for which the sides blamed each other.

In a statement on November 19, the Armenian Defense Ministry gave the names of five servicemen who died in the clashes, including one officer. It said the identity of another dead soldier had yet to be established.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Pakistan: Pakistan agrees 1 month complete ceasefire with Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)


Pakistan and local Taliban militants have agreed a one-month ceasefire which may be extended if both sides agree, spokesmen said on Monday, opening the possibility of a fuller peace accord to help end years of bloodshed.

The Pakistani Taliban, or Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), are a separate movement from the Afghan Taliban and have fought for years to overthrow the government in Islamabad and rule the South Asian nation of 220 million with their own brand of Islamic Sharia law.

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Thursday, October 28, 2021

Burma-Myanmar: Thousands more villagers flee military junta raids


Around 8,000 residents from Mingin Township in Sagaing Region and Pekon Township in Shan State have fled their homes due to junta raids and artillery strikes on civilian areas.

On Wednesday morning, more than 500 residents from Shwe Pyi Aye village in Pekon fled their homes after being bombarded by more than 10 artillery shells, according to Karenni rebel forces.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Burma-Myanmar: Soldiers burn homes in Sagaing after ambushes by Pale People’s Defence Force (PDF) resistance fighters


Soldiers have set fire to houses in two villages in Sagaing Region’s Pale Township in recent days after junta forces suffered heavy losses during several ambushes in the area, resistance fighters have said.

Thurein, who identified himself as a battalion commander from the Pale People’s Defence Force (PDF), said troops have been stationed at Yaynan Mhaw village since Monday and that they torched five houses in the village from 11am Tuesday.

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