Thursday, December 22, 2022

Burma-Myanmar: Over 20 junta forces killed in 2 days of resistance attacks


At least 22 regime forces including two junta-appointed administrators, as well as a resistance fighter, were killed in the last two days as People’s Defense Forces (PDFs) and an ethnic armed organization (EAO) continued to attack regime targets across the country.

Incidents were reported in Sagaing, Mandalay, Magwe and Bago regions and Mon and Karen states.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Burma-Myanmar: Military junta soldiers burn 26 villages on Human Right Day


Myanmar’s junta forces torched at least 26 villages in Sagaing Region on Human Right Day despite no reports of fighting with resistance groups.

Villages were burned in Depayin, Tigyaing, Kawlin, Budalin and Ye-U townships were burned down on Saturday.

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Sunday, November 20, 2022

Burma-Myanmar: Hundreds of regime soldiers sent to Lung Ja Bum


The regime has moved additional soldiers, weapons and food in 18 trucks to Lon Ja Bum, where it is shelling the Kachin Independence Army camp in Momauk Township and deploying ground troops.

The Burma Army troops (BA) have set up camp around the mountain top in Lon Ja, Nawng Poung and Wawan villages. Locals fear that fighting between the groups will increase if the regime continues to try to capture the camp in Kachin State, which it has failed to do since launching attacks in late October.

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Sunday, October 23, 2022

Burma-Myanmar: Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) rebels attack a key border town


Myanmar ethnic rebels attacked a key town near the Thai border yesterday, residents and local media said, with the military junta calling in air strikes.

The Karen National Union (KNU) has been a vocal opponent of the coup which brought the generals to power last year, and has provided shelter to dissidents working to oust the junta.

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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Burma-Myanmar: Military junta colonel killed by a resistance sniper in Karen State


A colonel in Myanmar junta’s 44th Light Infantry Division (LID) involved in operations on the Falu-Waw Lay road in Myawaddy Township on the Thai border was killed on Wednesday morning, according to the Karen National Union (KNU).

Colonel Win Min Oo was killed by a sniper in fighting at Nyaung Chaung village between Waw Lay and Thay Baw Boe in Karen State.

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